Back when it was released in December, most fans agreed that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a great addition the legendary science fiction franchise. Well it seems that opinion wasn’t shared by everyone as another master of the genre has come out to express his disapproval of the latest film.
In a recent interview, Aliens and The Terminator director James Cameron revealed his thoughts on Disney’s first entry to the Star Wars universe. Whilst making sure not to offend either George Lucas or J.J. Abrams, Cameron revealed to the interviewer :
“I have to say that I felt that George’s group of six films had more innovative visual imagination. This film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before and characters you had seen before and it took a few baby steps forward with new characters.”
While this is a perfectly valid argument, given just how much of The Force Awakens plot seemed to be borrowed from A New Hope, it still served its purpose of both introducing fans to the new world whilst still maintaining it’s connection to the films we all know and love (okay love may be a strong word for a couple of the films).
With an overall box office take of $2.068 Billion, Cameron’s words aren’t likely to be causing anyone at Disney to lose any sleep. Although given that Cameron’s Sci-Fi Avatar is currently the highest grossing film of all time, maybe they should be looking to him for inspiration. Especially when it comes to remaking Dances with Wolves with blue people.
We can see if Episode VIII is more to Cameron’s liking when it hits screens December 15th, 2017.
What do you think? Did you enjoy The Force Awakens? Or do you agree with Cameron? Let us know below!