With casting news coming in thick and fast for Spider-Man: Homecoming, many fans have had their hopes rejuvenated in the character after his successful inclusion into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However it seems as if Homecoming may not be the only partnership that Sony and Marvel Studios have in mind, as in a recent interview with THR, Sony Pictures Entertainment chairman, Tom Rothman, recently discussed what plans he had in mind for the future.
When asked about the possibility of building a Spider-Man universe outside of the partnership and about the possibility of Sony working with Marvel on other projects, he had this to say …
” Yes to both of those questions. It’s been fantastic, our relationship with Marvel.”
He then went on to clarify …
“Sony has ultimate authority. But we have deferred the creative lead to Marvel, because they know what they’re doing.”
Well he’s certainly got that right. A few years ago, there were rumors of Sony attempting to build a Spider-Man cinematic universe, with Sinister Six and a Venom movie both being in the pipeline. However, after the critical and commercial failure of the The Amazing Spider-Man 2, all of those plans quickly diminished. With their franchise character having now returned to the silver screen in all of his wise cracking ways, it now seems as if Sony have other plans. As I’m sure most of you will know, one of those is yet another Spider-Man project in the form of animation which will have no ties to the live action adaption. Tim Rothman had this to say …
“And we have dated Christmas 2018 for what I believe is truly going to be a breakthrough animated sensation. Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who did the Lego movies, are doing an animated Spider-Man. And it has a very breakthrough look to it, and a fantastic story and it’s independent from our Marvel Spider-Man”
Phil Lord and Chris Miller are certainly formidable talents who are crazy enough to wet anyone’s appetites for more Spider-Man. However it’ll be interesting to see if Sony are actually able to move forward with any other projects or if they’ll fall in the same trap as Fox and just simply rely on their trusted assets. Only time will tell.
Are you excited for Homecoming? Or are you more interested in the animated feature? Sound off down below!
Source: THR