Jessica Jones has been the second show to demonstrate Marvel’s television department is capable to step out of the comfort zone of PG-13 and with a successful audience appraisal. Executive producer Melissa Rosenberg elaborated with The Hollywood Reporter on writing and working with the joint Netflix-Marvel programming, whether certain boundaries could be exceeded in this world of rape and murder.
“The beauty of working at Netflix is that you don’t have those limits. I also work with Marvel, and Marvel has a brand and their brand is generally PG-13. They’ve kind of let us go to PG-16.”
So what exactly was the show limited from?
No F-bombs!…And if anyone was going to say ‘f***,’ it would be Jessica Jones. Sometimes I would be like, ‘Please just let me put one!’ Never. But what’s funny is that people said, ‘Wait — she didn’t say f***? I could have sworn she did!’ Ritter can deliver ‘f***’ with her face. Her look says it! She can be saying ‘potato.’
Despite the graphic sexual content presented, there was another specific restriction to the show:
“…there’s sex to some degree, but there was not any nudity…but then people go, ‘Wait, there was no nudity? There was really graphic sex!’ It was all about the attitude and how it was shot and how it was acted with raw lust.”
Of course, Rosenberg also had her own personal no-nos to disclose on what not to have Jessica do:
[Jessica Jones] was never going to play the honey pot. She was never going to put on the tight bandage dress and heels and go and seduce the guy she needs information from… That was just never going to happen.”
Adding onto that, there was nothing but positive vibes with Krysten Ritter‘s titular character:
“Casting Jessica Jones — you gotta believe she can kick ass. Some teeny little thing with arms this thin is just not gonna do it. She also has to be a great dramatic actress, but the hardest thing was she also has to be able to deliver a dry line.”
Jessica Jones is currently streaming on Netflix, along with its sister series Daredevil. Check out Season Two Daredevil Easter Eggs here to spot to spot their connections.
Source: THR