Suicide Squad director David Ayer revealed the latest poster of the film via Twitter. Just in time for the close release of sister film Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice to be released on BluRay with the full experience, this is an additional pat on the head for DC fans stoked for the third installment of the film universe:
Skwad Up people! @wbpictures @SuicideSquadWB #skwad
— David Ayer (@DavidAyerMovies) June 18, 2016
Unlike previous promotional images, this one appears less of the superhero grit DC is known for their films lately and more straightforward and colorful like collaborated tattoo art. With the set-up of the South by Southwest‘s marketing campaign and the numerous characters in the film that have them, it feels only fitting.
Suicide Squad comes to theaters August 5th.
Source: Twitter