The fascinating behind-the-scenes stories and controversies of Suicide Squad‘s very in-character bonding actors have been making headlines several times over the course of filming. A closer talk of the depth involved was made by actor Joel Kinnaman (Rick Flagg) and director David Ayer when interviewed by Yahoo Movies UK:
Kinnaman started off about the “rehearsals”:
“You often hear directors talk about a rehearsal period, and it often ends up being an advanced table read. But we actually had a month of rehearsals. We were all in one room, rehearsing the script, improvising, and that puts everybody in an insecure and vulnerable position. You feel like everybody is feeling the same things, and you overcome it together. That was really effective on this film. We all had to show our asses to each other.”
Ayer added in:
“The rehearsal was very intense. It wasn’t a normal rehearsal, we’d talk about their lives, their history, and really got them to open up as people to each other. I also had them fight. I had them fight each other. You learn a lot about who a person really is when you punch them in the face. It gets rid of a lot of the actor stuff.”
There was clearly a lot of vulnerability included to have the actors dissect with themselves, and no surprise quite a bond has been made from this collaboration. Kinnaman went on stating personal things were asked to help break the ice:
“[He] asked questions in front of everyone that were hard to dodge. ‘What are you most afraid of? What is the most embarrassed you’ve ever been? What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done to someone?’ Those kinds of questions. So it becomes very honest, it strips the facade and you get to know each other for real.”
To include his own vulnerability in fairness, Ayer even shared himself to this open pool of personals. Kinnaman added the stuff he found out about his director (in a joking manner, of course):
“Very f***ed up.”
Ironically, the only one not present during the rehearsals was Joker himself, Jared Leto. Perhaps distancing himself with his method acting much like Angelina Jolie did for her role in Girl Interrupted.
You can see for yourself if the chemistry pays off, as Suicide Squad hits theaters August 5th.
Source: Yahoo! Movies