Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows’ s new Shredder Brian Tee was interviewed by Entertainment Tonight when the question of “dream roles” popped in. Tee brought up the growing versatility of Hollywood leads and his support for more films of that nature:
“…very few and far between, Asian-Americans and people of color are given these opportunities to be leads in films, I would love to see more of that. The time has come for us to allow those situations to happen.”
Did he have a particular one in mind? Well, with the news of a certain Submariner opening up to the Marvel Cinematic Universe…
“This is what: Just saying, Marvel Studios just picked up the rights to Namor, who is the Submariner, and I would love to play the Submariner. I grew up as a comic geek and the Submariner is one of my childhood’s fondest superheroes. I feel like I can play him! If there is one role, right now, that I would love to play, it would be Namor.”
Tee is no stranger to playing in Marvel property. He played the role of Noburo Mori in 2013’s The Wolverine. With the rights back at Marvel Studios for Namor the Submariner, there are already some names of interest to play him, and Tee sounds like a very versatile candidate. In fact, fan artist BossLogic attributed the dream to a [fan] reality:
In the meantime, you can see Tee in his new film, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows in theaters now.
Source: BossLogic