News recently came in of new cast members added to Thor: Ragnarok. Among those are Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park) as Grandmaster, and Karl Urban (Dredd) as Skurge the Executioner.
“The continuation of the epic Thor franchise will be powerful and unique, and with the additions of Cate, Jeff, Tessa, Karl, and Mark to the cast we have the makings of his most dangerous and heroic adventure yet,” said Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige. “The sheer, raw talent each of these actors brings to the screen can’t be quantified. Having any one of them join the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be an honor, and having all of them is incredible.”
Also added is Cate Blanchett (Lord of the Rings) as Hela, the goddess of the underworld. Marvel has released concept art of the actress as the villain.
Looks pretty bad-ass, eh. Granted, it doesn’t show Blanchett’s face; it still gives us a pretty good idea what she’ll look like. Now, lets wait and see how Goldblum and Urban’s characters will look like, along with Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie (who seems to be Thor’s new love interest, as Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster will not return).
We will definitely see them all in action, when Thor and Hulk hit the cosmic road, next year, November 3rd, 2017.