Among the new characters that will be showing their pretty faces in phase three of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there is one whom we’re still uncertain when she’ll show hers. Black Panther and Spider-Man, who have their own movies on the docket, made appearances in Captain America: Civil War. Doctor Strange will obviously make his first appearance in his solo flick later this year. Although, he was name dropped in Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, formerly Ms. Marvel, will have her own movie in 2019, in between the two parts of Avengers 3. Joss Whedon wanted her in his movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron. Sadly she wasn’t in that, but maybe there’s still another chance we’ll see her before her solo flick.
At an event at the Smithsonian Institute, Anthony and Joseph Russo, the directors behind Captain Americas: Winter Soldier and Civil War, spoke about their next Marvel picture. When discussing Infinity War, or whatever they’re calling it now, they accidentally let Captain Marvel’s name slip. In which an audience member caught, asking “did you just confirm Captain Marvel?” Which solicited the response, “Um…Captain Barvel. Totally different character.” Nice save– said no one ever.
Obviously, Avengers 3 will be a culmination of all the heroes we met over the years to battle Thanos. Though we’re unsure if they’ll just be from the movies, or will include some from the shows, like Quake and Daredevil. And if they plan on including Captain Marvel, do they plan on having her in Part One, before her movie, or Part Two, after she’s been introduced on her own?
Furthermore, is Danvers the Captain Marvel they’re speaking of? The assumption is her, since she’s the Captain Marvel of the upcoming movie. But readers will know that she wasn’t the first Captain Marvel. More confusion yet, there was even a Captain Marvel at DC. Though now that hero has been renamed to Shazam, in which we’ll see his movie soon, with The Rock playing the villain. Marvel’s Captain Marvel before Danvers, was a Kree soldier named Mar’Vell. There’s rumors he’ll join the Guardians of the Galaxy in Volume 2, as he’s a member in the comics. And with Star-Lord surely helping the Avengers against Thanos, he might bring some of his teammates.
I suppose we’ll learn soon enough; either when Carol Danvers is cast, or when the first part of Avengers 3 arrives in theaters on May 4th, 2018. Who knows, maybe the Russo’s weren’t joking, and they’re actually creating an original character named Captain Barvel.
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