Ace Chemicals has been sneaking their logo here and there in a handful of DC’s live-action features lately. On The Flash episode 419 “Back to Normal,” villain Griffin Grey kidnapped Harrison Wells and took him to an Ace Chemicals abandoned warehouse. Many ads for Turkish Airlines with their Batman v Superman campaign has featured the logo in catch-and-you’ll miss glimpses. You can even see neon lights reading “Ace Chemicals” in the Arkham video games. It is also rumored to be a key location in the upcoming Suicide Squad.
Spoilers are ahead.
Someone on Reddit happened to spot this from an apparent bootleg of Batman v Superman:
For those of you who have seen the film, you know exactly when this scene took place.
So, what is Ace Chemicals? You don’t have to be well-versed in comic books to know who The Joker is. Hell, you don’t even have to watch all the movies to list any of the actors who played him.
Those familiar with the rumored source material for Ben Affleck’s Batman solo movie, will know that there are a couple DC characters with the name Red Hood. They will know that the second Robin, Jason Todd, was beat to death by The Joker. Therefore, when Ra’s Al Ghul brought Todd back to life with his Lazarus Pit, he came back as his killer’s former identity.
Ace Chemicals plays a hand in Joker’s transformation from Red Hood to the clown prince of crime. In one of Ace’s warehouse’s, Batman and Red Hood fought, until the Dark Knight kicked him into a vat of acid, scarring him into the appearance brought to life by countless individuals, including Mark Hamill, Heath Ledger, and eventually Jared Leto.
In Tim Burton’s 1989 picture, Joker’s origin was brought to life — but with a few tweaks. Instead of Red Hood, Jack Nicholson played a gangster named Jack Napier. Napier also replaced Joe Chill, the lowlife who shot Bruce Wayne’s parents. And when Bats knocked him into that vat of acid, it was at Axis Chemicals, instead of Ace.
It will be interesting to see how Ace will have a hand in Jared Leto’s character’s origins. The Easter eggs have been laid — now we’ll just have to see them line up. Perhaps they’ll fall into place when Suicide Squad arrives August 5th. Also, catch the Easter Egg as Superman flies past the neon light atop a skyscraper, when Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is released to Blu-Ray and DVD later this summer; in which we’ll be treated with a more in-depth director’s cut.
Source: Reddit