We haven’t had much when it comes to solid information in regards to next years Wolverine 3, but we’ve certainly heard plenty of rumors thrown around. The latest rumor we can add to this list is that the film will feature the debut of mutant with similar powers to our titular hero, read on to find out who it is.
This latest rumor comes via the website SuperHeroHype and states that Hugh Jackman’s swan-song will see the introduction of X-23, the mutant daughter of Wolverine. There reasoning behind this? Yesterday a casting call went out for ‘Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian-looking females over the age of 21, a height of 4′ – 4’11, and a size 0-4.’ And while this could be for a multitude of roles, the one they landed on was Laura Kinney, Logan’s daughter and the current character to don the Wolverine mantle in the comics. However if the rumors that the story will be an adaption of Mark Millar’s Old Man Logan arc are to be believed, it could also be a variation on the Ashley Barton character, the daughter of Clint Barton and Granddaughter of Peter Parker the rights for both of which are owned by Disney and Sony.
If it is in fact X-23, It would definitely be a great way to carry on the wolverine character for a while longer without the need to recast Hugh Jackman who has become synonymous with the role throughout his appearances over the last 16 years. We’ll hopefully find out more information in the coming months, but if not we’ll know more when the film is released March 3rd 2017.
What do you think? Who do you think they could be casting? Would you like to see the Wolverine legacy carried on in X-23? Let us know below!