An interesting bit of information came our way today from a pretty reliable source:
With Season 2 of Daredevil streaming soon and Luke Cage on the horizon, Marvel is still looking for ways to connect their Movies and TV shows. A character that’s definitely on the table is Black Widow. Fans have been asking for a Black Widow Solo film but that appears unlikely to happen. What appears to be more likely at this point is for her to cross the mediums – where these street level heroes are receiving more character development.
While it sounds unlikely, it does appear that Marvel is at least considering the idea of adding the character to it’s Netflix universe.
With the surge of Marvel on TV, both network and Netflix, many are wondering if the seams that connect those shows with the movies will mend. This is all the MCU, or Marvel Cinematic Universe, right?
According to Slashfilm, Marvel producer, Nate More had this to say:
“I think it’s possible for sure. It’s interesting that the TV timeline and the film timeline moves so differently because they tell stories so quickly because they have 10 to 22 episodes. So sometimes it’s just hard for those things to line up perfectly. But we love that idea of ultimately, say a Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Punisher, Agents of SHIELD, maybe there’s a way to get ‘em back in there as long as it makes sense for our storytelling and doesn’t prohibit them from telling a story. We say ‘oh, this happened to Daredevil somewhere in the future’ and they go ‘Well, that’s not what the TV show wants us to do.’ We don’t want that to start to feel like there’s friction so we haven’t figured out how to do it but we’d love to do it.”
Though, rumors have started to circle that they may have found a way. Scarlet Johansson, known for her role as Black Widow, has become a major player over on the movie side. You can see her next in Captain America: Civil War. As a SHIELD agent, many have clamored for her, or her partner Hawkeye, to show up on Agents of SHIELD. However, the rumor says that she will actual team up with another partner of hers: Daredevil.
This wouldn’t be the first time that a character has transitioned from the movies to television. Obviously, Agents of SHIELD is based around the guy who brought the Avengers together. Of course, Agent Carter made her debut in Captain America: The First Avenger. Neal McDonough has reprised Dum Dum Dugan on both Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter. Toby Jones also showed up on Agent Carter as Arnim Zola. And we mustn’t forget about Jaimie Alexander’s Sif representing Asgard on Agents of SHIELD. There was also Nick Motherf****ng Fury.
Though having Black Widow on Daredevil would definitely mend those seams a little closer. Who knows how or where she’ll end up after the events of Civil War. But chances are she’ll probably want to lay low in Hell’s Kitchen.
Stream Season Two of Daredevil when it uploads to Netflix on March 18th. And watch Captain America: Civil War in theaters on May 6th.
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