Based on the footage released for the upcoming Warner Brothers movie, Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, many people believe that Ben Affleck’s portrayal of Batman will be the definitive portrayal, however a prominent cast member from the previous adaption isn’t so sure.
In a recent interview with ETOnline for his upcoming film London has Fallen, Morgan Freeman, who played Luscious Fox in the Christopher Nolan trilogy explained his feelings on seeing another actor don the cowl. He told the interviewer:
‘You know, I’m happy for Ben [Affleck], but I don’t know how that’s gonna work. Because the ‘Dark Knight’ was almost ‘it.’ Pretty much ‘it,'” Before going on to add ‘Did you see ‘Batman Begins?’ I don’t think you can beat that.’
Luckily, The Dark Knight himself Christian Bale doesn’t share his former coworkers views, speaking in a different interview with the same publication:
‘Everyone brings their own element to that — Ben [Affleck] will do that as well, I think the trailers are looking great and I’m looking forward to that. But right on for Morgan [Freeman] for saying no one will ever be that, I very much like him.’
When asked who he believes to be the best, the American Hustle actor explained:
‘It depends on who you talk with. You can’t be Adam West, it just depends what you’re in the mood for. I love watching Adam West.’
We’ll find out whether Ben Affleck has earned the right to protect Gotham when the film is released 25th March, until then we can pop in our The Dark Knight Blu-Rays and reminisce.
What do you think? Who do you believe will take the crown as the fans favourite? Who do you think is the worst? Let us know below!