Caution: This list contains spoilers for The Flash episode 213 “Welcome to Earth-2”
Before we were granted with this Arrowverse, DC introduced us to many of its characters in live-action on Smallville. On an episode in the last season, Clark woke up on a parallel Earth to learn that his doppelganger was found by the Luthors, and raised to become the evil Ultraman. The episode did a great job at showing us alternate versions of the cast members.
Now with The Flash, and the other shows it shares a multi-verse with, we have the chance to see this ploy used again, but at a much larger scale. Instead of featuring an episode or two, most of the second season has focused on alternate realities. Lets take a look at both Earths of the Arrowverse, their beloved characters, and their counterparts.
Linda Park / Dr. Light
In the first season, Malese Jow was brought on as a love interest for Barry. But when he decided to focus on Iris, they went their separate ways. She was still around though, since Iris became a fellow reporter at Picture News. When Dr. Light visited from Earth-2, Park noticed they had the same face. Therefore, Team Flash thought they’d pull a fast one on Zoom. In the comics, there were two Dr. Lights: a male and a female. The female Light was actually Kimiyo Hoshi. But to get us used to the idea of doppelgangers, the show brought Jow back to reprise her role.
Al Rothstein / Atom Smasher

At first, the Earth-2 doppelgangers were the super villains, while their Earth One counterparts had no meta-human powers. Al Rothstein was taken out near the beginning of the first episode of season two. When Atom Smasher showed up to wreak havoc, we first noticed those breaches to the alternate dimension.
Eddie Slick / Sand Demon

Sand Demon was another villain hired by Zoom to take out the Flash. His doppelganger was also powerless. Nevertheless, he was still a criminal, which had both Joe and Patty utterly confused. This also proved Patty Spigot as more than just a pretty face for Barry to schmooze.
Captain Singh / Perp Singh

In the recent episode, “Welcome to Earth-2,” Barry went undercover as his own doppelganger at the parallel CCPD. To his dismay, his boss from Earth One was actually a criminal brought in for booking.
Deadshot / Officer Lawton

Another familiar face at the CCPD was Floyd Lawton. Mr. Lawton was actually a villain on Arrow. He surprisingly turned into an ally for Diggle, as they teamed up for the Suicide Squad. He was killed off the show, believed to leave less confusion for when Will Smith plays Deadshot on the big screen. It’s safe to say that he didn’t kill Dig’s brother on Earth-2, as his nickname was more out of irony. But then again, he didn’t really kill him on Earth One, either.
Tokamak / Henry Hewitt

Henry Hewitt was a candidate for Firestorm when Ronnie Raymond died. Since Dr. Stein’s health was falling fast, Team Flash frantically sought to find him another half. Soon, they settled on Jefferson “Jax” Jackson. So when Hewitt was rejected, he became the villain, Tokamak. When Barry and Cisco crossed over through the breach, they noticed Hewitt as an employee of Harry’s STAR Labs. Harry rolled his eyes at their stammers of fear.
Geomancer /Adam Fells (deceased)

While the Flash was off in the parallel world, Central City was left helpless against Geomancer. Even the rest of its superheroes were busy traveling through time. Jay said that Adam Fells was already dead in his world. With the help of the serum, Velocity 7, he stepped up to the plate and donned his old duds to take him out.
Iris West / Detective West- Allen

Barry gave up chasing Iris after the first season. But obviously he was still in love with her. She also had feelings for him, but first shrugged them off for Eddie Thawne. Plus, she was like a sister to him. In the comics, the two crazy kids got married. On Earth-2, since Barry wasn’t raised by Joe, they got married there too. Also, her writing career turned into just an internship at Picture News, as she become a cop to pay for Barry’s college.
Detective West / Lounge Singer Joseph

It’s safe to say that Joe was way more of a dad to Barry than Henry ever was. Hell, when Barry proved his father’s innocence and had him released from Iron Heights, Henry skipped town. But on Earth-2, it seemed that this was the other way around.
Instead of becoming a cop, Joe was a lounge singer. “Joe can sing?” Barry was astounded. But of course he could sing; actor Jesse Martin was on Rent. And since he didn’t raise him, their relationship was more of a typical father-in-law, son-in-law bond, insisting that they’d call each other “Joseph” and “Barthelemou.” (For the record, I get along great with my farther-in-law, as we constantly talk about this and other shows together)
Nora Allen (deceased) / Nora Allen (alive and kicking, and off to Atlantis)

Barry’s mother was killed by the Reverse Flash. When he had the chance to go back in time to correct this, he decided against it at the last minute. In the animated feature, Flashpoint Paradox, Barry was speechless to learn that she was still alive in an alternate reality. On thisshow, he was just as speechless. When he pressed the second button of speed dials that said “Mom and Dad,” her voice almost brought him to tears. I cried tears of joy when I heard her thank him for the plane tickets to Atlantis.
Captain Cold / Mayor Snart

On a news report in Harry’s office, just before seeing Barry’s doppelganger, it was announced that Mayor Snart had issued a curfew to protect his citizens against Zoom. But which Snart? Was it Captain Cold, Golden Glider, or their father Lewis Snart? On Legends of Tomorrow, we got to see a younger actor play the role that veteran, Michael Ironside christened. Although a parallel Lewis would add a third Arrowverse version of him, I put my money on Captain Cold as the mayor.
Vibe / Reverb

It’s been a trip watching Cisco’s evolution into Vibe. I’ve been wondering when he was going to suit up and use his powers for more than just “parlor tricks.” “Welcome to Earth-2,” sort of answered my prayers. At the beginning of the episode, Harry scolded him for wondering what his doppelganger would be like. Did Harry know that Cisco’s was a super villain?
In the comics, Vibe was originally named Paco Ramone. It’s no wonder why George Perez refused to draw him, claiming that the character was a racist portrayal. Reverb was Paco’s brother, Armando. On the show, his brother was favored by their parents, still lived with them, and played the piano. That is, until Captain Cold and Heatwave got a hold of him. Like Dr. Light, the showrunners took liberties with the character’s identity, but with an interesting twist.
Caitlin Snow / Killer Frost

When Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramone made their initial cameos on Arrow, and announced they were to be main cast members on The Flash, many wondered if they were going to become Killer Snow and Vibe respectively. The season one finale gave us a glimpse of what Caitlin would look like as the villain, as Barry raced through a time tunnel to stop Reverse Flash. But how would sweet, innocent Snow evolve into Frost. The answer was: she wouldn’t. Just like Vibe’s doppelganger was evil, so was hers.
Firestorm / Deathstorm

Alongside Killer Frost was her husband, who didn’t die on Earth-2. On Earth One, when he did die, Martin Stein eventually found another partner for Firestorm, and joined Rip Hunter and his brigade. But was it Stein that died on Earth-2? Not exactly. But he might as well have, as Ronnie hadn’t “let Stein out in years….he doesn’t talk much these days.”
Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) / Arrow (Robert Queen)

Earlier in the season, The Flash used a peek into the alternate dimension to mirror the scene where Arrow changed his name to Green Arrow. In doing so, they used a news broadcast to say that Oliver died in the shipwreck instead of his father, and that Robert became the Arrow. While not really a doppelganger of Ollie’s, we did learn who protects Star City on Earth-2.
Reverse Flash / Harry

Season Two is all about Earth-2 and Zoom. The big mystery is the speedster’s identity. The former half of Season One, we were trying to figure out who Reverse Flash was. Comic readers knew that his secret identity was Eobard Thawne. With a Thawne amongst the cast, theories said Iris’s fiance, Eddie was the culprit. But soon, we learned that Eobard Thawne came from the future, borrowed Harrison Wells’s face, and killed Barry’s mother. Eddie killed himself to halt the family name and thwart Eobard. With Wells out of the picture, it was big shocker to learn that actor, Tom Cavanagh would return.
To clear their feelings about this Wells face, Cisco took to nicknaming him “Harry.” Zoom is a dastardly sucker. Not only did he steal Jay Garrick’s speed (but now we’re learning that maybe he didn’t), he also kidnapped Harry’s daughter. Harry worked behind Barry’s back to steal his speed and give to Zoom, in hopes for his prodigal daughter. This posed the question whether or not Harry was more evil than his doppelganger. But Barry is such a good guy that he forgave him and promised to save Jesse Quick.
The Flash / CSI Allen

Searching for answers, a good theory said that Earth-2’s Barry Allen was Zoom. We can now cross his name off the list. “Welcome to Earth-2” found its alternate Barry. He’s still a CSI. Whilst nerdier, he was able to get the girl; a feat that our Barry could never land. Even luckier, his mom never died, and his dad never went to prison, framed for that murder. So what, if he never became the Flash or earned Joe’s respect. Sounds like Earth-2’s Flash didn’t have much luck anyway.
Hunter Zolomon / Jay Garrick

In episode 211, “The Reverse-Flash Returns,” a sub-plot ensued the search for Jay Garrick’s doppelganger of Earth One. To no prevail, Caitlin came up empty handed. Luckily, Jay already finished this quest. He showed her his doppelganger in the park on a bench. His guess was that this guy was not raised by the Garricks, but adopted by the Zolomons. Jay’s father was a veteran of The War of Americas. But it may be that Hunter Zolomon’s adoptive dad raised him much differently. If the show is harmonious with the comics, Hunter may very well be our villain of the season.
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