With Warner Bros. upcoming Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice just around the corner, it sounds as though the studio is starting to get nervous in regards to their plans for the future.
It has previously been reported by the website Hitfix that the studio is ‘worried’ about their upcoming film, going as far to suggest that the studio may even change it’s future plans if it isn’t successful. The site actually mentions that People are actually laying eyes on the film now, and the response has not been what I think they wanted and that this may lead to Warner Bros. skipping the proposed Justice League film and instead opting for another Batman film starring Ben Affleck, they explained:
“I would be surprised if Justice League starts shooting when they say it’s going to, and I would be equally surprised if Zack Snyder directed it.”
This story has also been reported by the Batman fan site, Batman-on-Film who go on to say:
“Warner Bros. is indeed concerned about how BvS will be received by audiences; and thus, how it will perform at the box office. Personally, I think the right term to use is “nervous” as opposed to “worried”. With so much riding on BvS, it’s only natural for the studio to be, well, nervous.”
He goes on to explain that the film will keep a similar tone to The Dark Knight and Man of Steel, which he argues may be different to what general audiences tend to go for these days.
The site also explains that there are ‘Factions’ at the studio, with one group wanting to try new ideas while the other is skeptical in regards to anything non-Batman related including Batman/Superman team up movie, making the success of Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice all the more important to the future of the franchise. We’ll find out when the film is released 25th March.
What do you think? Do you believe these reports? Will you be seeing the film? Let us know below!