Deadpool is currently scoring big with both critics and at the box, with the film looking looking to take a whopping $130 Million this Valentine’s weekend. But it sounds like we could have gotten a very different film.
We already learnt last week of two characters who were dropped from the script, but now in an interview with Cinemablend, Writer Rhett Reese has revealed another three characters who were going to be working for Ed Skrein’s villain, Ajax. He told the website:
“We consolidated, in the first draft, Ajax has really three underlings. It was Wyre, it was Garrison Kane and it was Sluggo.”
Before going on to explain:
“And then ultimately due to budget, we had to consolidate those into one character. And we wanted the movie to have a really strong kick-ass female presence. That was a mandate from Tim, so we introduced, we introduced Angel Dust as sort of a combination of those three to provide the muscle for Ajax.”
It would have been interesting for Deadpool to have had a few more foes to face in the film, if only to give it slightly more variety. Wyre is a mutant with synthetic wires coming from his skin, Sluggo is an invulnerable member of Weapon X while Kane, another member of Weapon X is a cyborg mercenary, similar to Deadpool’s pal Cable. Perhaps we’ll see them in the film’s sequel – whenever it arrives.
What do you think? Would you like to see these characters appear? Are there any characters you would like to see appear in the sequel? Let us know below!