It seems that almost every DAY, a new sequel is announced that no one actually wants. While it’s pretty bad and all are mostly unnecessary, they can’t quite compare to these sequels:
10. Halloween II (2009)
Rob Zombie’s Halloween reboot was generally perceived as bad but not quite as bad as its pointless sequel that followed. Michael Myers is unmasked for the majority of the film, the music isn’t the iconic theme that we all know and love and what you get is a film that inspired the producers to reboot the franchise. -Frank Palmer
9. Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
The Blair Witch Project is one of the biggest horror films of the 20th century. Released in 1999, the movie has immensely influenced the horror genre ever since. Modern horror has now followed the same criteria as the original, with micro budgets and jump scares still being just as effective now as they were back then. The sequel, however, is a prime example of a studio trying to capitalise on the success of the original by releasing a more ‘conventional’ horror and changing the directing style completely. Made with lot of studio interference, this sequel suffered critically and all but killed any chances of a franchise. – Jonathan Edwards
8. Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)
Annie (Sandra Bullock) from the Speed returns only with her new SWAT member boyfriend Alex Shaw (Jason Patric). To keep the relationship going strong, they take a cruise which so happens to be hijacked by terrorist John Geiger (Willem Dafoe)…and that’s when this sh*t cruise hits the fan.
Director Jan de Bont thought he could catch lighting in bottle again with this one, but was sorely mistaken. From the get go, you know this movie was going to be bad when original star Keanu Reeves chose to have nothing to do with this sequel and decided to tour with his band Dogstar. The plot of a cruise liner losing control is thinner than the paper used for the script and easily solvable as dropping an anchor. And which way do they introduce Willem Dafoe and his badassness as a villain? Bloodletting through leeches. If I saw a guy doing that, I would think he’s just really into 19th century medical treatments. Even co-star Sandra Bullock would later refer this movie as “the biggest piece of crap ever made.” Jan de Bont initially felt that Speed had no sequel potential, but it being Hollywood, all was seen was dollar signs and the need for a decent action film was left at the door. -Mark Salcido
7. Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (2015)
Moving on…
6. Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
Truly an unneeded, unnecessary, useless sequel that did not need to be made and certainly does not need to be watched, Dumb and Dumber To is just sad to watch. Both stars from the previous movie came back, Mr. Jim Carey and his pal, Mr. Jeff Daniels, but watching them run around rehashing old jokes and plot lines is kind of like watching two mangey, toothless lions trying to take down a thoroughly unimpressed gazelle.
Much like many of the movies on this list, Dumb and Dumber To is poorly written, badly acted, and about a decade too late to be relevant. -Sylvia Maixner
5. Weekend at Bernie’s 2 (1993)
Weekend at Bernie’s 2 continued to follow the misadventures of Larry Wilson (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard Parker (Jonathan Silverman) as they discover that they’re still very dead boss Bernie, had hidden a boat load of his embezzled money in a safety deposit box in the U.S Virgin Islands. Through voodoism, marimba music and mob goons, we have our sequel set.
If you’re a child of the 80s, you’ll remember when anything ridicules and lampoonist that can get made, did. Because of the commercial success of the first Weekend at Bernie’s, the studio felt it was necessary to continue to beat this dead horse…literally. The premise sounded so nuts that you would think it was the beginning of a bad joke. Whoever wrote the script must’ve been on a weeklong coke binge, with the spilled beer and ash stain still on the first draft that was handed in. Or it was a good excuse for everyone involved to shoot a film somewhere really nice.
The sequel, at most, should’ve just been a 5 min dated parody sketch on SNL. Many people who do remember the first one are shocked to find out that the sequel was even conceived. Zero fucks are given all around for this film as the running dead jokes were DOA before the opening credits. Sit and watch if you dare, just make sure you grab a bottle to play the drinking game that comes along with this pointless sequel. – Mark Salcido
4. American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002)
Originally adapted from a script titled The GIrl Who Wouldn’t Die, American Psycho 2 wasn’t even meant to be a sequel to begin with. However, producer Ernie Barbarash, who has also produced the awful sequels to the cult classic Cube, is responsible for this trainwreck. Leading actress Mila Kunis has even publicly expressed embarrassment over this monstrosity, which is a shocker considering the movies she’s starred in. To put it bluntly, American Psycho 2 is nothing but a shameless attempt at capitalising on the name of a great book/movie in order to make a quick buck. Without a doubt the worst ‘sequel’ on this list. -Jonathan Edwards
3. Son of the Mask (2005)
This film is so terrible and horrifying that it is almost worth watching just as an art piece.
A sequel that features none of the stars of the first film, and adds in pure, unadulterated horror that the writers seems to have that was humor. Starring Jamie Kennedy, Alan Cumming, Traylor Howard, and a very drunk computer animator’s fever dream, Son of the Mask gives the all-encompassing power of the Mask to an infant with patricide on the brain. Actually, I say infant, but really, it starts earlier than that, so be prepared for some weird stuff with a fetus.
Also, Norse mythology. Because, why not?
Maybe if this film had come out a little sooner to the release of the original movie, it wouldn’t be so inconceivable. But this came out nearly a full decade after The Mask danced off of the big screens. It was a giant waste of time, money, and nightmare fuel. – Sylvia Maixner
2. Basic Instinct 2 (2006)
The original Basic Instinct was a very silly movie that managed to get by on its strong performances from Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone and Paul Verhoeven’s stylish direction. This fifteen years later sequel, however, brings the silly but none of the strengths. Douglas is gone, Stone hams it up, and hack director for hire Michael Caton-Jones makes the whole film look like it should have debuted on television even though the production budget was $70 million. Basic Instinct 2 is a truly pointless waste of time that exists only to cash in on the success of the original (which it failed to do as it only took in about 1/10 of the original’s total box office sales. Ouch). -Steven Potgeter
1. A Christmas Story 2 (2012)
I’m sure most of you were unaware that there was a sequel to this film. Well, there was – and guess what?
It was pointless – and just weird:
So, in conclusion, there were most likely MANY others we could have included but – these were all pointless enough. Maybe one day we’ll start getting sequels that actually matter… but this list has to make you question that. -Frank Palmer
Honorable Mentions: The Rage: Carrie 2, Grease 2
What’d you think of the list? Be sure to sound off below!