It appears that we might be getting a solo Batman film sooner than once expected and with that – new rumors are always likely to come up.
This time, it’s Latino Review who is reporting that we might be seeing a major character that you might not expect appearing in that very film:
Will Smith, who recently wrapped his part as Deadshot in David Ayer’s “Suicide Squad,” is psyched about being part of a massive superhero cinematic universe.
Since he signed on for multiple appearances as Deadshot, the rumble behind the scenes is that he wants to be an ongoing part of Warner’s and DC’s plans.
Right now as per my sources IF things pan out Will Smith may join Ben Affleck in his solo Batman movie, which might not end up being so solo. If Deadshot joins the Bat in the movie, it will be for a “major role” for a “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly” scenario.
Source: LatinoReview
Again, take this with a grain of salt – but if true, what do you think of the decision for Deadshot to be in the solo Batman film? Sound off below!