Rumors circulated last week about George Miller possibly directing Man of Steel 2. Well, apparently, WB has put the sequel on a “permanent hold” according to DenOfGeek:
We’ve since heard from two sources that there might be substance to this rumor. They tell us that Miller is indeed in talks with Warner Bros. about the possibility of taking on one of its future DC movies, though exactly what that movie is hasn’t been decided as yet.
One source said that what Miller directs will depend on what story most interests him, his take on it, and everyone’s availability.
While this doesn’t rule out the possibility of Miller taking on Man of Steel 2, another source has said that, as far as they understand it, the sequel is on “permanent hold.”
So, if this is true, it could mean that George Miller could end up taking on another DC project. What do you think he’d be best suited for?
Be sure to sound off below!