With the recent release of the Iron First trailer for Marvel’s Netflix universe, fan’s all around began to give their thoughts on it. However, a rather specific comparison to another superhero TV show was being thrown about quite frequently.
People began to note similarities in Iron Fist’s origin presented in the trailer, to that of Arrow’s in the DC TV show of the same name. The comparisons became prominent to the point where one curious fan commented on Stephen Amell’s Facebook, asking:
“…so, how do you feel about the talk going around that Marvel’s Iron Fist looks a lot like Season 1 of Arrow? Do you agree/ disagree?”
Surprisingly enough (in a post you can see linked below) Amell promptly responded, simply saying “I could care less!”
So there you have it, if anything the claimed similarities between Arrow and Iron Fist remind me of the comparisons between BBC’s Sherlock and CBS’ Elementary. They may appear to be there on the surface, but in reality are mostly unfounded.
What do you guys think of the alleged similarities between DC’s Arrow and MARVEL’s Iron Fist? Sound off in the comments below!